Support Amy in Denver
Amy is currently raising support to begin a two-year ministry apprenticeship, where she will serve alongside The Heights staff in worship ministry.
Amy was born and raised in the Kansas Bible belt, where she formed her own faith in Jesus at a young age. Through Sunday school, church, and the Christian school she grew up in, she soaked in many ideas of what it meant to follow Jesus, and did her best to follow suit. Her parents were deep lovers of contemporary Christian music, and her mom often sang in area churches for what was called “special music.” Amy and all the siblings sang duets with their mom from the moment they could carry a tune, and Amy’s deep love for music quickly paired with her growing love for Jesus.
In middle school, she experienced contemporary worship music for the first time, and felt the presence of the Holy Spirit in the room. Everything she had been taught clicked in a new way: Jesus was alive, moving and active. She decided she would forever want to be a part of making Him known through worship.
Fast forward numerous years, and Amy has lived in multiple states and continually been a part of leading worship in various ways, for vastly different groups, and with many different leaders. She has led for youth groups and for local churches, at college campuses and at summer camps, in a megachurch and a Ugandan hut, in basements and backyards. One thing she is sure of: the presence of the Lord can be found anywhere He is wanted.
However, she experienced enough church hurt from Christian leaders along the way that she never planned to do ministry full time. The Lord had other plans. The Lord restored much of her vision for Himself, ministry and worship through another local church, the small group she has led for the last few years, and the community she found in Denver. She then was led to The Heights Church. After seeing and experiencing the ways in which God was/is moving at The Heights, Amy realized she wanted to go all in and be a part of it. Her passion is to partner with The Heights staff and people of The Heights to make the presence of the Lord known in Denver, Colorado.
Amy is currently raising support for a two-year ministry apprenticeship with The Heights, in which she will continue learning and growing in worship ministry; recruit, connect with, and disciple worship team members; and join The Heights staff and do whatever is needed to help further the gospel in our city.