Live Life Together.

Join a Community Group!


Life in the city can be lonely. But Jesus did not intend for us to live life alone!

Community groups are small groups of people meeting in homes on evenings throughout the week. In these groups we study the Bible together, discuss the Sunday message together, laugh together, pray together, and care for one another. This is where we most vibrantly reflect the realities of Acts chapter 2 in the city of Denver.

Get in a community group by attending connect class!

What is a Community Group?

Community Groups are small groups of people that gather weekly to do life and learn to know and follow Jesus together. A typical group gathering might involve everything from eating a meal together to sharing stories to discussing the Bible and praying for one another.

In a big city like Denver, it is easy to feel alone. Groups are a place for you to know and be known – a place for you to belong, contribute, and develop close friendships. Who doesn’t want that?