Connect Class: a 60-minute class that tells you everything you need to know about The Heights.
Want to learn more about The Heights? Join us for a 60-minute class after the 10:45AM or 4:30PM services on the second Sunday of every month. A meal and childcare are provided!
What We Believe
In the Connect Class we talk about what we believe as a church. For many people this is an important step in deciding whether or not to become a part of a local church.
How You Can Belong
Do you want to make a friend? The Connect Class covers all of the ways that you can jump right in and start meeting people here at The Heights. Connecting people is something we love to do here.
How You Can Grow
Being a part of a local church doesn’t mean anything if you are not becoming a deeper and more committed follower of Jesus. During the Connect Class, we cover all the ways that we can help you grow in your discipleship to Jesus.