Year of Sacrificial Mission

In 2025 we want you take personal risk to introduce one person to Jesus.

The gospel has always gone forward one risk at time in one relationship at a time. We are asking everyone that calls the Heights home to identify one person that is close to them but far from God to pray for and introduce to Jesus. So the simple question is, “who is your one?”

What are our goals?

  • 10% Growth through new conversions

    10% Growth through new conversions

    This year, we want to see 10 percent of our church growth come from people following Jesus for the very first time.

  • Every Community Group baptizes one person

    We want to see every community celebrate one person baptized as a result of a new person who is far from God joining their group

  • Every person introduces one friend to Jesus

    Regardless of how they respond, we want every person who calls the heights home introduces one friend to Jesus